Can I get a piercing here?
NO. We are a tattoo-only shop.
Where should I go for a piercing?
We recommend https://www.ursamajortattoo.com/piercings Located in Newton, MA (about a 6 minute drive from our studio.
How can I pay for my tattoo?
We accept credit or debit card as well as cash.
What forms of payment do you NOT accept for my tattoo?
We DO NOT accept check or cashapp/venmo for tattoo payment.
How do I tip my artist?
If you pay with card, there is an option to tip on card. We also accept cash tips and have our Venmo QR codes available at the shop.
How much do I tip my artist?
Generally a tattoo tip is at least 20%. As with most things, tipping your artist reflects your satisfaction with the service/product. With tattoos, it also reflects the amount of effort, detail, and customization of the design, as well as the experience behind the artist’s craftmanship. Some clients tip as much as 50% for custom-design pieces they felt matched their vision.
How much is my deposit?
It depends on the amount of time your tattoo requires. Visit our Pricing page for details.
What is my deposit for?
The deposit is just a portion of the total price of your tattoo. We take it when we book your appointment in order to hold the time in the artist’s calendar and provide up-front compensation to start the drawing process.
What happens to my deposit if I have to reschedule?
Reschedules require at least 48-hour notice in order for your deposit be transferred to your new appointment date. If you contact your artist to reschedule within 48 hours of your appointment, it is up to the artist’s discretion whether you will have to pay an additional deposit.
What happens to my deposit if I change my design?
Small design tweaks are expected! We build in time to adjust the finer details of the design (Maybe you want to add another bubble in the bath or shift patricks house a little farther away from squidwards - that’s absolutely okay!)
If you would like to switch to an entirely different design, you will be offered to reschedule and required to put down a new deposit for the new design. This is because we have already spent time creating the first design, and it will take more time to create a brand new design for you.
If I cancel my appointment do I get my deposit back?
No. Deposits are nonerefundable.
How much will my tattoo cost?
The price of each tattoo depends on many factors, mainly size, detail, and placement.
How do I find out the price of my tattoo?
Your artist can let you know an estimate of the total cost of the tattoo in an in-person consultation. Prices cannot be given over the phone or via email. Visit our Pricing page for more information!
What goes into the price of the tattoo?
The size, detail, and placement are the main factors in pricing a tattoo. These factors break down into the cost of supplies (needles, ink, ink cups, paper towels, plastic wrap, gloves, protective covers, razors, bandages, tape, distilled water, etc.) and bills (electric, heat/a/c, rent, etc.), as well as the artist’s experience and ability to safely give you an excellent tattoo as well as the time and energy put into drawing and tattooing your design.
What is the minimum tattoo price?
Why is the minimum $120?
There is a minimum tattoo price because there is a minimum cost to the artist/shop with each tattoo setup. No matter how small the tattoo, some supplies are still used at the same rate with each tattoo and need to be accounted for.
What if the design is just a dot?
It will still be $120. No matter how small a tattoo is, each setup requires the same minimum supplies.
How much of my tattoo price goes to the artist?
Depending on the experience of the artist, their cut can vary, but typically, the shop gets about half of every tattoo to cover the space and supplies and bills required and supplied by the shop. (This is why tipping your artist is important!)
Who cannot get tattooed?
Anyone under 18
Pregnant people
Breastfeeding people
Anyone on drugs/alcohol (caffeine/thc/cbd are OK)
People with anemia/severe diabetes/on blood thinners should first consult their DR
Why can’t I get tattooed under 18?
We are legally not allowed to tattoo anyone under 18.
What if I turn 18 next week?
You can get tattooed next week! Yay!
What if my parent/guardian says it’s ok?
We still cannot legally tattoo anyone under 18 years old.
Why can’t I get tattooed if I’m pregnant?
While the chances are very slim, it is still possible to get an infection during the healing process of the tattoo (especially if your body is busy growing another human). If you did contract an infection, it would negatively affect the health of the fetus and the pregnancy.
Why can’t I get tattooed if I’m breastfeeding?
While the chances are very slim, it is still possible to get an infection during the healing process of the tattoo. If you contracted an infection while breastfeeding, you could pass that infection on to the child.
What if I stop breastfeeding during the healing process?
Similarly to the ‘pump and dump’ concept with drinking while breastfeeding, if you don’t breastfeed until the tattoo is totally healed, it will keep you and your child safe from the risks of passing on an infection.
Why can’t I get tattooed high or drunk?
We are not legally allowed to tattoo anyone under the influence because it’s impossible to properly consent. Additionally, bodies react differently while on substances, which can affect the tattoo and heal process.
Why would I have to consult my doctor?
If you have a medical condition that could impact your tattoo experience, it’s best to consult with your doctor first to make sure there will be no impact on your body and your tattoo both during the tattoo process as well as the healing process.
Why can’t I just walk in for a tattoo?
Most of the time, we already have clients scheduled or the design for the desired walk-in would take more time to draw than the artist has available. It is always best to schedule ahead to get tattooed, especially if your design requires any artist interpretation or edits. Visit our How to Book page or Contact Us for more information.
Can I bring a friend?
Each client is allowed to bring 1 (ONE) friend with them to their appointment. We are a small shop with 3 artists working, often at the same time. If you bring more than one person with you, any additional guests will be asked to wait outside while you get tattooed.
How do I book an appointment?
We book only over the phone or in person. Start the process by letting us know what you want to get tattooed via email! Visit our How to Book page for more information.
Can I book an appointment for myself and a friend at the same time?
Yes! Give us a call or stop by to book and make sure you know what your friend wants (design, size in inches, placement) as well as their availability. You can either book with one artist and get tattooed one after the other, or you can each get tattooed by different artists at the same time.
Can I book an appointment for someone else?
If a client needs assistance to book, we are happy to discuss with a designated friend/helper who knows the client’s schedule/design. Contact us for more information.
How long will my tattoo take?
There are 2 lengths of time to consider. One, is your appointment length. Your appointment will likely be at least one hour (time to fill out paper work, size design, place and dry stencil, let air after tattoo, etc.) Meanwhile, your tattoo time can vary from 2 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the size, placement, and intricacy of the design. The more details or color changes in your tattoo, the longer it will take. If a design is placed somewhere stretchy like the ribs it will take longer than if it’s on the meat of the arm or leg. Your artist will be able to give you a rough estimate of time when the design details and size and placement are decided.
What if I want to change my design?
Small design tweaks are expected! We build in time to adjust the finer details of the design (Maybe you want to add another bubble in the bath or shift patricks house a little farther away from squidwards - that’s absolutely okay!)
If you would like to switch to an entirely different design, you will be offered to reschedule and required to put down a new deposit for the new design. This is because we have already spent time creating the first design, and it will take more time to create an entirely new design for you.
What should I do before my tattoo appointment?
Eat plenty of sugars, do NOT drink alcohol or consume any other drugs, and dress accordingly.
What should I wear for my tattoo appointment?
Ask your artist! They’ll be able to let you know the ideal way to make your tattoo placement easily available. Ideally, it will be accessible without you having to hold any clothing in place.
What if I get a sunburn before my tattoo appointment?
If you get a sunburn on the area you plan to get tattooed within 1 week of your appointment, you will need to reschedule your tattoo appointment. We cannot tattoo sunburned skin.
Do I need an ID?
Yes. Your photo ID MUST be physically present for your tattoo appointment.
What forms of ID are accepted?
We ONLY accept state-issued ID, military ID, and passports (from any nation), with your photo and birthdate on it.
What if I forgot my ID?
No ID, no tattoo. This is a state mandated law. It CANNOT be a photo of your ID.
Why do I need my ID?
It is state mandated law that we have a copy of your ID on your intake paperwork for it to be valid. We WILL NOT tattoo you if your ID is not physically present.
Do I need a consult?
Yes, if you are looking to cover a scar or old tattoo, if you are looking to add to or around an existing tattoo, if you would like to have a portrait done, or if you have an custom idea.
Do I need an appointment for a consultation?
No, if you have no artist preference, you are welcome to stop in any time Tuesday - Friday 12-6 for consultation. However, if these times don’t work for you or you would like to meet with a specific artist, call the shop to find out when your artist can be available to meet with you.
Is there a consultation fee?
No, consults are totally free!
How do I explain my idea to my artist?
Include details on size, placement, and style (black and grey or linework or color), and describe what will be in the design - pictures are always encouraged!
How do I explain size to my artist?
In inches or cm - words like small or medium are not informative enough for us, we need to know how many inches large it will be.
How do I explain the placement of my tattoo?
Describe the area, which limb or body part, where on it. If you can, its always helpful to include a photo of the area, especially if we’re working around any existing tattoos. Feel free to circle on the photo. It will also help us design the piece to best fit the shape area.
What is a reference image?
Any inspiration photos for your tattoo design - if you like part of a design in one photo and part of another design in another photo, they are both reference images for your final design and we would love for you to share them with us, indicating what parts of the images you like and want incorporated.
When should I send a reference image?
As soon as possible! - Ideally, the artist would have the images before booking your appointment to get an idea of how much time it will take them. Otherwise, it is best to send your artist images at least one week before your appointment so they have plenty of time to create your design. Email them to us at 623tattoo@gmail.com.
Why is placement important for the design process?
The best tattoos fit the placement on the body and are designed to fit the shape of the area. Knowing where it will go helps us make sure you have the best possible tattoo!
Why can’t I get a one-inch portrait?
As ink heals in the skin, it blurs and widens its coverage radius. So if you put a lot of different colors or shades or details very close to each other, as the ink heals and settles in, the different tones and details will start to overlap and the tattoo will no longer look as it was supposed to.
Will you send me my design?
We do not send out any design artwork. There is a history of taking finished art to another tattoo artist to do the actual tattoo, leaving our artist unpaid for the hours of work put into the design.
Can I see my design ahead of time?
If you would like to view your design ahead of your appointment, please call the shop and schedule a consultation a few days before your scheduled appointment, and your artist will gladly go over the design with you and make any necessary changes you would like.
What designs do you NOT tattoo?
We do NOT tattoo any hate speech or symbols. We also do not replicate other people’s tattoos. If you have a reference image of a tattoo design on someone else, we will ask to make adjustments so as not to give you someone else’s tattoo or someone else’s design work.
Do you do portraits?
Yes! As of right now, we only offer black and grey portraits, no color.
Do you do coverups?
Yes, we do enjoy doing cover ups! You must meet with your artist before scheduling an appointment. Visit our How to Book page or contact us for more information!
Do you do revamps?
Yes, we love doing revamps! You must meet with your artist before scheduling an appointment. Visit our How to Book page or contact us for more information!
Do you finish other artists’ work?
Yes, if you have unfinished work and are no longer able to work with your original artist, we are willing to help you finish your piece. We ask that you come consult with us in person so we can see what is already done and decide how best to move forward. Visit our How to Book page or contact us for more information!
Will it hurt?
Yes! But not too badly! Everyone reacts differently and has different levels of sensitivity on different parts of the body.
Does color hurt more?
Color ink does not hurt more. What hurts more is solid fill, whether it’s black or another color, because it takes more time and covers more skin.
Do some places on the body hurt more than others?
Some places have more nerve endings than others, or more sensitive nerve endings.
What place hurts the most?
Where you have more nerve endings - so anywhere that feels ticklish or more sensitive to touch will likely hurt more.
What does it feel like?
Different nerve endings feel things differently - some people describe it as a burning sensation, some as a cat scratch, some as more an annoyance than anything.
Can I use numbing cream?
Your artist will not apply numbing cream, but you are welcome to use it on yourself. We recommend Dr. Numb - contact your artist for instructions on the best way to use it!
Where are you located?
276 Orchard Street, Watertown, MA, 02472
0.6 miles from bus 70 (Main St @ Waverly Ave); 1 mile from bus 71 (Mt Auburn St @ Park St); 0.7 miles from bus 73 (Trapelo Rd @ Slade St); 0.3 miles from bus 554 (Lexington St @ Belmont St); and 0.8 miles from Waverly Station (Commuter Fitchburg Line)
Is there free parking?
Where can I park without getting towed?
The spots in front of our building as well as along the opposite side of the street next to us (Loomis Ave).
Do you have a bathroom?
Yes, we do! It has a single step up and requires assistance for wheelchair-bound folk. Our bathroom is for clients, guests, and artists only.
Do I have to wear a mask?
No, UNLESS you are coughing or sneezing repeatedly. Even if you are not contagious, we ask that you wear a mask to contain the spread of fluids.
What if I need privacy for my tattoo?
We have a large opaque divider we can easily put up. We also have both female and male artists, so you can pick whoever makes you comfortable!
Can I smoke inside?
NO. We offer break times for clients to go outside and smoke as needed.
Can I vape inside?
No. We offer break times for clients to go outside and vape as needed.
What soap should I use while healing my tattoo?
Unscented soap - most handsoaps and bar soaps are safe.
What lotion should I use while healing my tattoo?
Unscented cream-based lotion - DO NOT USE aquaphor or any other petroleum-based products. Avoid eucerin and other lotions with aha or bha.
What should I NOT use while healing my tattoo?
Scented lotion
Scented soap
Scented body wash
Antibiotic ointment
How do I wash my fresh tattoo?
With just your hand and unscented soap. Do not use any cloths or towels or paper towels to wash it. PAT dry.
Can I shower?
Yes, please do! You have to wash your tattoo at least once every day, so it’s easiest to do at the end of your shower.
Can I exercise?
Yes, you can exercise normally, you should just wipe down any equipment before and after use and wash your tattoo after you’re done exercising.
How do I apply lotion?
Wash your tattoo first! You want a very small amount of lotion, a pea or smaller. Dab it around and then work it in evenly. If the skin is still shiny, pat it with a paper towel to remove the excess.
How long does it take to heal?
This depends on the design and the placement. Generally the initial heal takes roughly 10-14 days. After 3 months, your tattoo will be completely healed. The first 2 weeks are the most important part of the healing process. Larger or more solidly colored tattoos, as well as tattoos located on high-mobility areas (joints), take longer to heal.
What should it look like as it heals?
Your tattoo will likely be red and swollen for about 24-48 hours depending on the size of the tattoo. After that, your tattoo will begin to flake and peel, this is totally normal - do not pick or scratch it.
Can I go in the sun after I get a tattoo?
We recommend avoiding any sun exposure to your tattoo for 2 weeks after getting it done.
Can I use sunscreen?
We encourage the use of sunscreen AFTER the tattoo is healed. Do NOT put sunscreen on a healing tattoo - the chemicals will harm the healing process. Once it is totally done healing (2 weeks or when it’s done peeling), it is best to apply sunscreen any time your tattoo is exposed to sunlight to keep it from fading - the sunlight breaks down the ink faster.
Can I swim after I get a tattoo?
No, do NOT submerge your fresh tattoo in water for long periods of time, especially AVOID pools, hot tubs, and saunas, for 2 weeks.
Will my tattoo fade?
As your tattoo heals, a new layer of skin heals over the ink, causing it to look slightly less bright than when the ink is first applied.
During the healing process, your tattoo will fade if you apply too much lotion.
After it heals, it will fade if it is overly exposed to sunlight.
Do you have giftcards?
We have gift cards available at the shop. We do not mail out gift cards but would be happy to hold them for you until you are able to pick them up.
How do I get a giftcard?
Gift cards may be purchased either in person or over the phone. We do not mail out gift cards but would be happy to hold them for you until you are able to pick them up.
What ink do you use?
The brands we stick to are World Famous Ink, Eternal Ink, Fusion Ink, Allegory Ink, Solid Ink, and Dermaglo.
What is the ink made of?
Natural pigments, deionized water, distilled water, hamamelis water, sterile aqua, rosin, glycerin, witch hazel, isopropyl alcohol, and benzyl alcohol - all ingredients are sterile.
Is it vegan?
Yes! All inks we use are vegan!
Who are your artists?
Visit our Artist page for more information!
What licensing and certifications do the artists have?
All artists are licensed through the Town of Watertown Health Department, which requires annual bloodborne pathogens training and biannual first aid/CPR training, as well as an anatomy physiology course.